The Growing Need to Insure Habitational Risks

Property / Commercial Lines / habitational

March 1, 2022 0 minute read

Christal Fleishman

Posted by Christal Fleishman

Today's housing market is in dire need of improvement. According to CNBC, the inventory of single-family homes will continue to be scarce, with mortgage and interest rates remaining high through 2022.

This leaves room for the mass development of habitational structures such as apartments, condos, student housing, and low-income housing. We may even see a rise in employer-sponsored housing.

With these trends, we see an increase in requests for coverage on habitational risks. We offer several lines of coverage on a monoline or packaged basis, including General Liability, Commercial Property, Business Income, and Equipment Breakdown, among others.

Need a quote for a habitational risk? Email applications or questions to

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