New England Excess Exchange, Ltd. (NEEE), an independent wholesale broker and MGA based in Barre, VT, is pleased to share that Senior Commercial Lines Underwriter, Zachary Schmoll, has been featured as one of New England's Best Young Agents by The Standard.

The Standard is an insurance publication targeted specifically to New England's insurance community. In publication since 1865, The Standard is a timely, reliable source for regional news and information for New England's agents, brokers, and insurers.
Click here to view this issue of The Standard.
About NEEE
New England’s premier independent Wholesale Broker and Managing General Agency (MGA) serving independent insurance agents throughout New England, NY, NJ, PA, MD, and OH. For more than 40 years we've been a committed partner dedicated to building your agency. NEEE is headquartered in Barre, VT and is devoted to insurance excellence throughout our region. For more information visit