NEEE Donates One Thousand Meals to Local Food Banks

Business / news / Insurance / Community

November 30, 2020 1 minute read

Christal Fleishman

Posted by Christal Fleishman

New England Excess Exchange, Ltd. (NEEE), an independent wholesale broker and MGA based in Barre, VT, recently contributed 2,155 pounds or 1,192 meals to local food banks as a result of its annual Thanksgiving gratitude campaign. This is the third year NEEE has contributed.Food Bank Image - Thanksgiving Campaign 2020 (1)

"COVID-19 has increased reliance on supportive food systems. It is vital we donate to food banks this year," says Christal Fleishman, Marketing Manager. "We are happy to do our small part to give back to our neighbors during this time." 

The 2020 campaign was launched via email, and one dollar was donated, to a local food bank, on behalf of every Agent that does business with NEEE. The total donation provided more than 900 Thanksgiving dinners to families throughout our region. 

We are pleased to make this donation possible through the following foodbanks: Vermont FoodbankNew Hampshire Food BankGood Shepherd Food Bank of MaineConnecticut Food BankRhode Island Community Food BankFeeding New York StateThe Greater Boston Food Bank, Central Pennsylvania Food BankOhio Association of Food Banks and the Maryland Food Bank

"Part of our corporate mission is to support the communities in which we do business," says Todd Wood, Vice President of Underwriting. "Our Thanksgiving campaign is one way we show this support. We also felt it was necessary to make the donation monetary. Thereby giving food banks the option to purchase items that are in highest demand." 

The annual gratitude campaign is one of many service events NEEE conducts throughout the year. Learn more about our corporate mission at

About New England Excess Exchange, Ltd. 

NEEE is New England’s premier independent Wholesale Broker and Managing General Agency (MGA) serving independent insurance agents in VT, NH, Maine, NY, NJ, MA, CT, RI, MD, PA and OH. For more than 39 years we've been a committed partner dedicated to building your agency. NEEE is headquartered in Barre, VT and is devoted to insurance excellence throughout our region. For more information visit   


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