News from NEEE

Congress Passes Another Two Week NFIP Extension

Written by Christal Fleishman | May 31, 2019

Congress has once again delayed the passing of a $19 billion federal disaster bill which would provide the official reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). 

The House of Representatives instead passed a two week extension of the NFIP to allow insurers to continue issuing federal flood policies. This extension will be effective until June 14, 2019. The decision to extend reauthorization comes just as the U.S. prepares for the summer hurricane season. 

In January, the NFIP was forced to halt writing and renewing policies when the government shut down due to a budgetary standoff in Congress. 

We aim to help our Agents understand the importance of the NFIP reauthorization, and encourage our Agents to consider marketing Private Flood insurance as a more stable option for clients.  

To learn more about our Private Flood product visit or call 1-800-548-4301 to speak with a knowledgeable underwriter that specializes in flood insurance. 

About New England Excess Exchange, Ltd. 

NEEE is New England’s premier independent Wholesale Broker and Managing General Agency (MGA) serving independent insurance agents in VT, NH, Maine, NY, NJ, MA, CT, RI, MD, PA and OH. For more than 37 years we've been a committed partner dedicated to building your agency. NEEE is headquartered in Barre, VT and is devoted to insurance excellence throughout our region. For more information visit